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Pre-sale from 188,000 RMB LYNK&CO, 01 EM-F unveiled with comprehensive fuel consumption of 4.88L/100km   At the Chongqing Auto Show, LYNK&CO 01 EM-F model was officially unveiled, the new car is a hybrid version of LYNK&CO 01, and is also the first model equipped with Lynk E-Motive intelligent electric hybrid technology, which has previously opened for pre-sale, offering three configurations to choose from, with an official pre-sale price range of 188,000 - 210,000 yuan(28049-31332$).   From the actual picture, the front of the new car is the LYNK&CO family design style, split headlights are very recognizable, daytime running lights are located on both sides of the hood, the high and low beam is connected to the flat black grille, the visual sense of unity is relatively strong, the overall style seems more individual.   The lower part of the surround adopts a three-stage design style, with vertically arranged air deflectors on both sides and a trapezoidal air intake design in the middle, which has a strong sense of movement; the front lip is equipped with a silver-gray scuff plate, which plays an excellent role in embellishing the sense of power.   In terms of side shape, the two-color body creates a suspended roof shape, the style looks more fashionable; the waistline adopts a thorough design, embellishing a sense of layering on the side of the body; the exterior mirrors, door handles, and other positions are smoked black treatment, the texture performance is more outstanding; the wheels use a double five-spoke shape, embellished with a certain sense of sport.   In the rear, the taillight cluster adopts a running design, which effectively stretches the horizontal visual width of the rear; the license plate frame adopts a concave design, which has a strong sense of hierarchy; the shape of the lower bracket echoes the front bumper, and the exhaust pipe adopts a hidden layout.   Dimensions, the new car's length, width, and height are 4549/1860/1689mm, with a wheelbase of 2734mm, positioned as a compact SUV.   In terms of the interior, the new car adopts the LYNK&CO family design style, providing a three-spoke multifunctional steering wheel, full LCD instrument panel, embedded central control screen, and electronic gear knob.   In terms of configuration, the new car is equipped with lane departure warning, lane-keeping assist, active braking, reverse radar, panoramic view, full-speed adaptive cruise control, automatic parking, uphill assistance, panoramic sunroof, electric induction trunk, keyless entry, one-touch start, electric adjustment of front seats, automatic LED headlights, adaptive high and low beam, automatic wipers, automatic air conditioning and rear air vents as standard.   In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a hybrid system consisting of a three-cylinder 1.5T engine and electric motor, of which the engine has a maximum power of 150 hp and peak torque of 225 N-m; the electric motor has a maximum power of 100 kW and peak torque of 320 N-m, and the system has a combined maximum power of 180 kW and peak torque of 545 N-m. The acceleration time is 7.8 seconds, and the fuel consumption under WLTC conditions is 4.88L/100km.  
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