Chinese Electric Car News

Family car or 6-seater comfortable, because the 6-seater car seating layout is 2 + 2 + 2, the middle two independent seats, functional configuration, high-end models and legrest adjustment and massage function, etc., ride comfort is better than the 3 joint row of seats. If car enthusiasts are interested in 6-seat family car, you can look at...
Every young person, when choosing a car, the purchase budget is different, for young people who have just joined the workforce, the hands are not generous, intend to buy a budget SUV first to drive a few years, later on the hands are generous and then change the car, this idea is understandable and supportive. The article takes the 2022 1.5T...
Did you find that, in the new energy track, in addition to BYD, which has been completely transformed into a new energy car company, other old car companies are completely hot by the new forces of car manufacturing head. However, such as Wuling, Geely, Great Wall and other first-line veteran car companies, but never stop exploring new energy...
Some car enthusiasts, because of work and other reasons, need to often run long distance, when choosing a car, do not know whether to choose a car or SUV, in fact, long-distance running should drive a large SUV, because this level of models, the body is wide, good driving stability, most models are equipped with seat comfort configuration, long...
Why is it recommended that commuters drive compact cars, because this class of models, body size between small and medium-sized, ride space is enough, body size is moderate, in urban commuting, good body flexibility, parking is also convenient. If car enthusiasts are interested in compact cars, you may want to look at these two, stable chassis,...
Although Toyota's hybrid technology started early, but now in the field of plug-in hybrid and pure electric has apparently fallen behind the Chinese brands, especially in the field of pure electric models. And with the growing popularity of pure electric models in China, Toyota has started to take shortcuts. Recently, FAW Toyota's new pure...
With the continuous development of the new energy vehicle market, most of the traditional fuel car brands are starting to get involved in the field of new energy models, including many commercial vehicle brands, such as Dayun Auto also began to make new energy passenger cars. Previously, the main production of pickup trucks and buses Shuguang...
Although the current Red Star Automobile many people will feel very strange, but in fact Red Star Automobile is also an early start of the independent brand, in the last century the main light passenger, station wagon type models also had a good market sales. Later, Red Star was acquired by Shuanghuan Automobile, and more than ten years ago, the...
В сентябре Министерство промышленности и информатизации обнародовало каталог 362 - й партии новых автомобилей, Джилли официально заявил о том, что геометрическая марка 3 - х новых, 4 - х электрических автомобилей под геометрической M2, недавно открылись новые внутренние украшения.внутренняя облицовка нового автомобиля была удостоена упрощенного...
В настоящее время на рынке легковых и тяжелых грузовых автомобилей имеется множество чисто электрических автомобилей. в новом каталоге 363 - й партии, недавно опубликованном министерством промышленности и информационных технологий, JMC объявила новый тип чистого электрических 4m2 - зеленый автомобиль. Согласно информации, представленной в...
в XXI веке борьба между предприятиями - это талант, а борьба между автомобилями - это техника. традиционная автомобильная бригада, имеющая опыт производства автомобилей на протяжении десятилетий и накопившая больше научно - исследовательского капитала, также открыла этап технологической остановки в этот важный переходный период. "головной мозг"...
в процессе переключения траектории, кто - то заранее вошел в игру, кто - то был убит на полпути, и кто - то понял это. на пути перехода от бытовых внедорожников к новым источникам энергии, бренд хаффера не считается ранним входом, но он быстро успевает за всеми. прибытие третьего поколения хаффера H6 DHT - PHEV свидетельствует о том, что он по -...
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