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The battle of micro electric cars Chery QQ ice cream compared to Hongguang MINI EV daily commuting how to choose?     In the past two years, the miniature electric car market has suddenly exploded in the country, the advantages of this class of models are compact size, convenient parking, and low enough car costs, used for commuting in the...
  The face interior of AION S When I saw the actual car, I fell in love at first sight, compared to the old model, I felt more dominant and airy. The exterior holographic silver, and interior moon white, feel very good-looking. The steering wheel has become a three-spoke sports steering wheel, exquisite, beautiful, and practical. The power...
    As a result of overseas license restrictions in Shanghai, gas prices have risen bloodthirstily again this year. So I decided to buy a tram, and hesitated between BYD Qin and AION S plus, choosing the latter because of the long waiting time and other reasons. The new car was lifted just three days after the Shanghai seal control, until...
  My AION S plus has been with me for 6 months and has traveled 3000 km. At that time, after the new energy indicator landed, I immediately entered the army of looking at cars, and at the beginning, I thought about taking into account comfort and home, so I directly locked the new energy sedan. I've been looking at cars and test drive videos in...
  I think it is the strongest pure electric model within 200,000. Strong, and the power is quite sufficient, deservedly the king of 150,000 yuan coupe. The electricity consumption of AION S Daily commuting 50 km round trip, the basic national road traffic jam travel to 1 hour, see the car overtaking, electricity consumption in general...
  The least satisfied of AION S   The car arrived at the store on August 30, but it was delayed until September 7 to give me the car, through the glass of the sticker I think the 4s store is to my car weekend as a display. The car showed a comprehensive mileage of 3km is acceptable. 30 years old to have the ability to buy their first car, the...
  The buying experience of AION S At the end of September and early October there is the intention to purchase a car, due to the need for regular business trips to and from the Pearl River Delta after the year mainly, want to mention a pure tram. (The epidemic makes a living difficult, business dogs try to find ways: to save money !!!!)...
    The range of AION S Range is relatively satisfactory, the whole summer open air conditioning, ECO + mode can run more than 400 no problem. No conditions to do a full charge and discharge test, this number is a relatively conservative estimate. The most unsatisfied point of AION S The daytime running lights are only available on the...
    Getting the car has been a month, driving more than 1,800 kilometers, talk about the purchase of the car to use the car feeling it and really can not resist, to spit under the 4S store service and charging pile after-sales! The 4S store service and charging pile after-sales First of all, the purchase of a car, because I own a small...
Plug-in hybrider, elektrisk utvidet rekkevidde Hvem er best?   Siden energikrisen har menneskets etterspørsel etter energieffektive kjøretøy blitt mer og mer presserende, og hybridkraft ble født. slutten av 20. verden, den tekniske ruten for hybridkraft av de store bilselskapene å ta hensyn til, jo mer fremtredende energieffektivitet er Toyota...
  IM L7 VS ZEEKR 001, hvilken er bedre? Med den kontinuerlige utviklingen av ny energiteknologi vil flere og flere brukere prioritere nye energimodeller ved kjøp av bil, og et stort antall uavhengige merker av high-end nye energisedaner har dukket opp i markedet, som IM L7, ZEEKR 001 og NIO ET7 osv. Blant dem er IM L7 og ZEEKR 001 relativt...
  Mange mennesker er kanskje litt ukjente med navnet Xiaohu Automobile, som faktisk er et nytt energikjøretøy i A00-klassen lansert av trepartssamarbeidet mellom NISSAN Co.For tiden er Xiaohu FEV tilgjengelig i en tre-dørs, to-seters versjon (FOR-Two) og en fem-dørs, fire-seter versjon (FOR-Four), den nøyaktige rivalen er i utgangspunktet låst...
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