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April 7, the owner of the big order, you can see past know Your Car post, I pay attention to the Dreamer is very early, so much so that have confidence in the first time to pay the big order. The whole process of buying feels that the marketing level, especially the level of front-line sales or to be strengthened, in addition to the poor...
After the new forces have entered the high-end smart electric segment, the traditional Chinese car companies, led by Geely, have started to be sung by the market, and the brand sales fluctuations experienced in a short period of time have made this narrative go unnoticed. However, this stereotype is actually at odds with the truth, as Geely...
  Kinas bilindustri møter ekstreme utfordringerDet finnes ikke noe verste, bare verre.Kinas bilsalg toppet seg i 2017 og har vært i dårlig form siden. 2021 så en gjenoppblomstring av nye energibidrag, men forsyningskjedekrisen og den påfølgende epidemien har gjentatte ganger rammet industrien, noe som gjør den til en enestående utfordring....
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