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With the appearance of the latest design language of the HONGQI, the atmosphere is majestic, and the momentum of the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, there is no doubt that the design can score full marks. HONGQI E-HS9 interior:technology and comfort are both available The interior is still extremely technological, even if it is the lowest, there are...
The coexistence of aura and luxury, the collision of dominance and fashion, and the fusion of technology and new trends, are the most desired by consumers to buy a car, and the proudest model of the national brand - HONGQI, is the same, as the peak of the design thinking, the most in line with the current environmental protection policy, to...
  HONGQI E-HS9 charging time: are you able to accept it? The South does not have the problem of winter battery loss range. I live in a rural area, and the car is parked in the courtyard of my own house in the rural area. Before the charging pile was installed, the car was charged with its own charging gun and charging cable connected to the...
The official pickup is this Tuesday, which is August 31, the day the car was found on the tires stained with Figure 1 such as a large piece of rubber, just out of the 4s overhead bridge crackling hit the wheel arches. At that time scared, found after ripping down on what sound is no longer, Figure 2 is the DMV just on the license plate, super...
HONGQI E-HS9 range:Satisfy your need for a electric SUV? SUV has always been that 4 seats are the best, it just so happens that this car has a 4-seat version, this price point 4-seat is also ehs9 and high together. Such a large car with 4 seats that will not have to consider the seat space will be small. Such a large car, the front end and so...
Last year, the car was ordered on the double 12 and waited less than a month to pick up the car. Now drive a week, not yet on the license plate. Talk about a little feeling. The appearance is a matter of opinion, where parked, there are people talking about, and silently taking pictures, and as a background (fortunately not yet licensed). This...
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